Useful Info for Authors

How I review and Other Useful Information

I am more than happy to post promotions for you providing I have reviewed at least one of your books. If you're aren't sure whether I've reviewed for you, please visit my page, Past Reviews first. All reviews are alpha sorted by the author's last name. All titles I've reviewed are listed under each author's name.

Authors, please read the following before sending a book review request...

So that there is no misunderstanding, I have my own guidelines for reviewing. I do not participate in any "review exchange" agreements, nor accept any form of payment for reviewing books.

I offer a full, impartial review, based purely upon the work I read. I do not adjust my opinion or feedback for revisions not seen. My reviews are, and remain, my personal opinion of your work.

I always recommend that those submitting work for review read a few of my older reviews to have an idea of what you can expect from me. You will find them here. I always try to be fair and offer an honest appraisal of a work as I see it, so although I am somewhat familiar with the differences in common words and spelling around the world, I am open-minded regarding regional differences in terminology, punctuation and spelling. When in doubt I will turn to Google for help.

All reviews are live before I provide you with a link of that review. If you are disatisfied with my review, I am happy to answer any questions you may have or revise a review on request if your book has been updated. A revised copy of the work needs to be submitted and the same rules will apply as above. In the case of reviews posted to Barnes & Noble, a new review will be posted as they do not at this time allow reviewers to delete or update previously posted reviews. Please note that revised submissions are placed at the end of my read-for-review list.

If you wish the review to be placed anywhere other than those sites listed below, you will need to provide links or specify these sites. If I am not affiliated with these sites, I may join them in order to facilitate your request, dependent on any outlay or membership requirements.

Any ARC or work given freely for review is deleted from my system seven (7) days after the review is published.

Because each website has different meanings for star ratings, I have had to come up with my own. You will find my definitions below. Any exceptions I make to this will be specifically noted in the review.

What Goes Into My Reviews:

I look at everything, and I do mean everything. Are the characters believable in the context in which they are written? Is the setting believable? Is the story cohesive and does it flow well? How well was the book edited? (Before you say something trite like all books have a few errors, let me say I've read and reviewed books that were perfectly edited for spelling, grammar, etc.) Does the cover reflect what I will find in the story? Does the blurb pull me in? I look at all of it.

Preferred Format:
  • gifted Kindle books. I've not yet figured out how open emailed mobi files on my reader.
  • PDF - This is my last choice unless I am beta reading for you

How I Rate:
I use the star system favored by online booksellers and book review sites. An explanation of my star ratings follows:
  • 5 stars = A book can't get any better than this. See note below.
  • 4 stars = I really enjoyed the story, found it difficult to set aside.
  • 3 stars = I liked the story, but was able to set the book aside and do other things, may have errors. 
  • 2 stars = The story either didn't really grab my interest OR had several errors and should be pulled off shelves and re-edited. I will specify which applies in my review.
  • 1 star = The story either put me to sleep OR read like a work-in-progress and should not have been published in its current condition. I will specify which applies in my review.

5 stars are reserved for books that
  • have no errors and 
  • profoundly affect me, or
  • pull me in so thoroughly I've lost all track of time and can't put it down 

For 3-5 stars - Now that I'm posting reviews to five/six sites in addition to here, it has become much easier to tell people who follow my Facebook book review page which booksellers carry the title I am reviewing. Any errors found during reading will be mentioned in my review, as well as whether those errors had an impact on how I rated your book. Also, I will add a link to your Amazon author page so readers have the option to purchase other work by you.

Where I post reviews
All reviews originate on this blog. They are then copied to each of the following sites that carry your book:
  • Amazon 
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Smashwords (if the book came from there - their requirement, not mine)
  • Goodreads

Links to my reviews are on Facebook at: Book Reviews by Joyce

Author Spotlight...

This is by invitation only. I will spotlight only those authors whose books I've read, reviewed, and have given a minimum of three stars.

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