Monday, October 15, 2018

Crimson Shadow: New World Order (Volume 7) by Nathan Squiers

What do you say about the end of a series you've come to love? To know when that last page is turned there won't be another that follows it? I have read every book Squiers has written about Xander Stryker and the world in which he lives. Every book in Xander's world written by his wife, Megan J Parker-Squiers. And every book they have co-authored together.

From the very beginning these books were meticulous in detail. An entire world was developed before the first word was written. An entire back history created before the first page was published. I would come to recognize that attention to detail was Squiers' trademark.

Through each successive book I was captured anew, enthralled, sucked in, and had my mind blown. I've burst into unexpected laughter, felt lost, and cried. There is no corner to which you can retreat when reading his work. You are his for the duration of the book and he doesn't let go.

I have known for some time that Squiers had in mind only a certain number of books for Xander and company. However, it was always "someday," but not today. "Down the road," but not today. "Someday" has arrived and "down the road" has come to an end. This is it and the reader in me that is so addicted to this series hurts.

Let me just diverge here for a moment so you understand what I am saying. I am a bibliophile. I have over 700 books in print, and over 6000 Kindle and Nook books. I've read them all. I love to read. So when I make space on my shelves for a (print) series, it has to be pretty darned special. As you can imagine, with that many books, I know a well-written one when I get it.

Back to the subject at hand. In this latest, and last, venture into the world of Xander Stryker, his wife, cohorts, friends, and of course his enemies, any residual questions you may have had are answered. However, before you get those answers, Xander gets a world class beating, breaks the biggest taboo of the Mythos world... on t.v. no less, and disappears. Wait! What!?!? Yup. Squiers doing what only he can. He's not only throwing curveballs, his curveballs have curveballs.

I first named Squiers a bard when I reviewed "Crimson Shadow: Forbidden Dance" for his ability to weave a story, and his skill at making us feel what he wants, when he wants. That was April 2014. He has come so much farther since then, grown so much more with each book that, were we living in the times of the ancient bards, he would be the chiefest among them.

Although "New World Order" has come to an end, Xander and his worldscape will continue on because they are a treasured part of my library. Nathan Squiers has shared a bit with me of what he plans to do next and I anxiously await the question, "will you review it?" But I will cherish this series most because they introduced me to Nathan and Megan Squiers and the world they created for Xander Stryker.

This is a somewhat emotional review, but I truly fell in love with this series. Subtle life lessons were offered under the guise of prose. Challenges have been faced and either passed or failed. But is it a fail if you learn the lesson the challenge offered? So as a reader of these books, and this one as the last offering for the series, I'm urging you to add this one to your collection. Take one last wild ride with the Stryker gang. You won't regret it.

An unparalleled author, exceedingly good at his craft. A true Bard in these modern times. For all of the above reasons, I'm giving this 5 stars. You've earned every one Nathan.