Friday, August 18, 2017

In the Beginning: Charlie by Kristie Haigwood

I don't as a rule write about books that aren't finished and published, but I was sent a link to this story and have been hooked ever since. If I find a book I like, I tend to scoop up as many more by that author as I can afford, especially if there's a series. I can't help it. I just like to keep going until I reach the end. As far as I know, this is Haigwood's first venture in the YA (young adult) genre. I keep telling her she doesn't know how to write a bad story. Well, true to form, she hasn't yet.

This book is being fed to us a chapter at a time on Wattpad, a site where both professional and beginning authors share their work. When you're hooked on a story early on, one chapter at a time makes for an antsy, impatient reader. Haigwood has it covered though. Every addition keeps me glued. Who'd have thought I'd get sucked into reading, and RE-reading an unfinished book?!

So... Charlie is in high school and she's a geek. As in the "in" crowd ignores her until they need her help as a tutor. She's clumsy, awkward, and has a thing for the cutest jock in school. Sean is the jock in her dreams. They're both keeping secrets from each other and everyone else. In a classic "boy rescues girl" scene, the two get together. He's all calm, cool, and collected. She's all nerves, and can't figure out why he's helping her.

In a recent post on Facebook, Haigwood has let us know she's hoping to publish this story in about a month. In the Beginning: Charlie is the first of four books planned for this series. Each book will be written either from Charlie's point-of-view or from Sean's. You really do want to read this story. Haigwood never disappoints, even when it's one chapter at a time. Follow the link and you see what I mean. Hop on the Charlie train, you'll be glad you did.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Gods and Monsters by Nathan Squiers

Xander continues to work on his father's dream of building a clan of different mythos. Now the leader of the clan, even more weight and responsibility land on his shoulders. Praise and adulation sit uncomfortably on him, but deal with it he must. The mansion is rebuilt and already in use. The clan name still bring pain to my heart when I think about how it came to be chosen, but if I tell you that story, I would be giving you a spoiler from a previous book. In addition to being the head of his own clan, Xander has to deal with hero worship. Could his life be any more interesting? Dumb question when Nathan Squiers is the name is on the cover.

Something new is in the wind and it's brought to Xander's attention by an unexpected source... a quiet, unassuming auric with a serious case of (yup, you guessed it) hero worship. What she points out is disturbing to say the least. (I rather want to theatrically say, "something wicked this way comes.")

Some "unknowns" from other books are answered and new questions arise. And he does that thing we as readers tend to hate the most... he left us a cliff hanger! How could he do that to us

Just when you think an author has reach the pinnacle of their capability, they pull out something to surprise you. Nothing can be taken for granted when a book has Squiers' name on the cover. I was first introduced to the worldscape of the Crimson Shadow in Noir. His writing took me in. He made me feel what he was telling me on the pages, made me visualize the story every step of the way. With each successive book his prose only got better. With each book his ability to pull emotion from me grew stronger until finally, he threw me a left hook that reduced me to tears. Now I'm sitting on the edge of my seat going, What!?!

I know you're waiting for my rating, probably almost as much as he is (I've had the book a while). Once again Squiers proves he's earned the title of Bard in his chosen genre. Not sure I can find higher praise than that for this author. No errors (really... no errors), beautifully written, his characters continue to grow as he introduces new ones to us. There is nothing not to love about this author, this book, and indeed the entire series. What's left to say? Oh yeah, the stars... 5 of course!