Sunday, April 20, 2014

Just Evil, Evil Secrets Trilogy: Book 1 by Vickie McKeehan

Just Evil is a contemporary story of hate, love, jealousy, murder, revenge, abuse, secrets, greed and corruption. A generous mix of elements the author blends quite well to make a great story. Kit Griffin is a young woman who, along with her two best friends, believes she has put an horrifically abusive childhood behind her. While her friends suspect much of what took place, no one knew the complete truth of her childhood. A truth which will cement her place at the top of the list of suspects.

Kit now owns her own business, selling books, coffee and homemade treats. As a teenager, she was head over heels for Jake Boston. Then one day, he just disappeared. Now Jake's back, just before someone starts killing people. The first victim is Kit's mother. When it appears that Kit is Alana's sole beneficiary, she finds herself the only "person of interest" in the murder. As more people start turning up dead, it becomes apparent, at least to Kit and her friends, that someone is working from a list. Just who is on this list and why is the puzzle the needs to be solved.

Powerful people have dangerous secrets to hide and someone is taking great pains to make the police think Kit is the killer. We are given glimpses of the killer as he stalks his victims and plans each death. He has a serious grudge against each person on his list.  We watch as he plans to make each person pay the ultimate price for the secrets they hold. I find it particularly interesting that the killer makes sure each person knows why they are about to be killed.

As we get further into the book, Jake and his friends help Kit track down the reasons for which they suspect people are being killed. More details of what Kit endured come out until those closest and dearest to her know the entirety of the abuse she endured as a child. The killer isn't the only person who poses a threat to Kit.

Every element that could draw you into this story has been utilized. This doesn't leave the story feeling overworked though. The tension in this story revs up from the moment Jake steps into Kit's business and doesn't let down even at the end. In fact, the author used the tail end of this story to throw a curve ball that I couldn't have imagined on my best day. Wait... what... really? And then she teases with a peak into the next book.

Just Evil is very well written and multi-dimensional. The characters have a depth which brings a reality to them that made reading this book a pleasure. I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 4 stars

This book is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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