Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Piper LeVine, A Gypsy's Truth by Eris Kelli

Piper LeVine grew up believing she was the daughter of Senator LeVine and his wife until strangers came knocking one night. Sent to live with her grandmother at the only place that felt like home, Piper learns she isn't exactly who she thought she was. Not only that, but reality includes a whole lot more than she could ever have dreamed.

This new reality includes the truth about herself, her birth mother, werewolves and a promise made by her birth father that leads to problems for everyone. Piper has to learn a new culture at the same time she learns to control and use her magic. The question isn't whether or not she'll have time, but how many will die before she can learn what she must.

Piper is a teenager through and through, struggling to handle a new way of life and problems she has trouble accepting. She quickly learns that what may be borderline acceptable where she grew up is highly offensive in her mother's world. Now she not only has to learn a new culture, but figure out how to earn forgiveness. And with everyone angry and offended, finding someone to sponsor her in her new world is going to be a daunting task.

The author offers a variation on vampires I haven't seen before, which I always enjoy. Give me something I love and give it new twist is a win-win for me. I found this book one day while I was cruising Barnes & Noble out of boredom. I enjoyed this story so much that I promptly went looking for the rest of them. Thankfully (for my serious lack of patience for the next book), the others were already out and available.

While I did enjoy the book, there were some errors missed in editing that ended up costing a star in rating. Although there were no spelling errors, there were just enough grammatical and punctuation problems (a handful or two) that it created a few hiccups in reading. I would have loved to have been able to give this book four stars, but couldn't. The errors were distracting, but because they didn't ruin the pleasure of the story, I still highly recommend this book.

This book is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. At the time of this posting, this book is free on both Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. The Amazon link will automatically redirect you to your local Amazon.

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