Melissa Moran has nailed it again. Her vocal changes hit in every place I do in my mind when reading. It was pure joy to close my eyes and listen to one of my favorite Haigwood stories. I have to say 'one of' because each one is better than the one before. I would be hard put to choose one book as a favorite, but a series? Charlie and Sean's stories are the current choice.
So many subjects are covered in this book (PTSD, war injury, emotional manipulation, and more) that reading was both enthralling and at times, painful. I grew up during the VietNam war and clearly remember news casts showing rows of flag-draped caskets coming off the planes. I remember seeing the dark green car pulling up across the street and someone's mother collapsing. That Charlie's dad was injured and not killed was still traumatic. Sgt Mason's PTSD was voiced with a deftness that has to be heard to be appreciated.
When Charlie is accidentally injured as a direct result of her father's PTSD, Moran had me in tears. I've read the book; I know what's coming. That didn't help. My chest grew tight. I clenched my fist and rode it out.
I enjoyed this audio book so much I listened twice before finally writing the review. Moran gives you everything you could want in a narrator. It goes without saying that Kristie Haigwood does the same as an author.
Great work ladies! 5 stars.