What to say, what to say? I love this series. There's always something new around the next turned page. This was in turns insightful (getting more of the Stryker family history), nerve wracking (learning more of Xander's past and how he got the red eye), and heart-warming. I mean really now, who doesn't love a good love story?
Squiers has filled in a lot of holes for me by providing some much wanted history. But this book introduces a new category of Mythos to his series that just opens up his worldscape for so many more stories. For my part... fist pump and a loud YES!! I don't think I will ever get enough of this author. From the book blurb we know that Xander and Estella get married.
I was captivated by the wedding vows each of them spoke, but mostly by Xander's. There's an openness and honesty to his vows that I want to experience in my own life (in spite of having no intention of ever getting married again). There's a vulnerability to Xander we don't often get to see. A precious gift from a strong character ready to take on the world regardless of his physical condition.
We've always known Estella was a gentle soul unwilling to hurt another living being. We see a new side to her in this book. In her turn, she also sees a side of Xander's life he assiduously kept from her. She was the light in his life. Keeping his home life secret from her kept her from being sullied by it, at least in his mind.
The story goes back and forth between time periods to give us more of Xander's childhood, and details of his father we didn't previously know. The jumping around in history culminates in an astonishing conclusion that once again proclaims Squiers status in my mind as a Bard in his chosen genre. I've read books with similar jumps in time that were almost painful to read. Not so in this book. Once again, I can say with confidence that you really WANT this book.
For the quality of writing, his continuing character development, continuity from one book to the next, I have to give him 5 stars. I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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